Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons

As part of their work in the “Civics: Communities and Citizens in Action” Integrated Unit, Middle Primary students have been surveying their classroom about the issues facing community leaders that are most important to them. One of the important concerns shared by many MP students is the effect commercial and residential development is having on wildlife and native habitats in our towns. MP Civics students are investigating the local government offices and community agency responsible for protecting wildlife. As they are discovering, there is a lot of intersection between preservation and environmental interests and the governmental branches involved in economics and development.

In an effort to see how they can best channel their desire to help threatened wildlife into effective action, Middle Primary contacted Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons, a local not-for-profit passionately dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick and injured native turtles. We were so lucky to have Karen, the executive director, and John visit the MP classroom to talk about the issues impacting native turtles and ways to help.

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