Teacher Profile Series: Valerie Gatz

Valerie Gatz, Early Childhood Facilitator

Val Gatz is a people person. Big people, little people, lots of people, one person – Mrs. Gatz loves being with people: talking with them, drawing them in, listening to their stories, making them feel at ease, and enjoying their company. A community-maker a heart, Mrs. Gatz brings people together in a way that honors their individuality and unites them in their commonality. At PCS, she creates a family culture in the Early Childhood classroom that she co-facilitates.

Quite often, the classroom community is the first social structure the three- and four-year-olds in Early Childhood experience outside of their family, and Mrs. Gatz emphasizes how important it is to respect this big transition. She makes time and space for the students to learn about each other, how to interact with one another and as a group, and how to build relationships. Mrs. Gatz makes sure that kids know, talk about, and practice social routines like greeting each other in the morning (handshake, hug, high five?), making amends when they make a choice they regret, and turn taking. Working on these skills not only bolsters the character development of the individual students but it also builds a community of care, consideration and collaboration.

“Social emotional learning is so important in Early Childhood. The kids are still little. Yes, they’re like little sponges, learning and learning, soaking up every word. And every day they get more independent and can do more things themselves, but they also want to be cared for. They want to be loved. And I love taking care of little kids! They are family to me. And to each other. I think feeling cared about like that really helps them learn.”

This is definitely true for Mrs. Gatz. We asked Mrs. Gatz who inspires her. “My family!” she said. “No matter where I am in my life, up or down, prospering or failing, they encourage me and cheer me on to do my best and to keep pushing forward.” Mrs. Gatz translates that buoying support into her work so naturally. For many kids in Early Childhood, working through the school day takes determination and courage as they face new challenges, adjust to new structures and master new skills. Mrs. Gatz does more than just offer herself as a nurturing ally to her growing students – as a community-maker, she inspires the kids to support each other.

“This community helper unit has been really great. The kids are so interested in how people make a community run, how the police and firefighters keep us safe, and how the mail keeps us connected. I’m weaving it in thattheyare community helpers, too! By being thoughtful and being kind and helping their friends, they keep our classroom safe and connected.”

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